How To Manage Business Finance With Ease – A Review


“How To Manage Business Finance: Surviving The crucible of Business Life” by Jason Freund is a quick and helpful guide for anyone wanting to better understand how to manage business finance. This is a book that will help anyone who is interested in being an entrepreneur but doesn’t necessarily have an MBA to become familiar with the basic terms used in the field of business. The book provides a short overview of the basics of how to do business and some helpful quotes. The book also goes into a bit more depth on how to handle personal finances. I personally found this to be a very interesting read, that was easy to read and kept me interested in what is going on in the entrepreneur’s world.

The main theme of the book is how to understand business finances, and how to know which financial obligations are important to the company as well as those that aren’t. The book does a good job of breaking down the various terms used in business to give you a good idea as to what they mean. It also covers some general business finance topics like working capital, business loans, and so forth. There were only five chapters worth of content, but I liked how the author breaks down the material into small manageable chunks. It made it easy to understand what he was saying.

The basic idea behind howto manage business finance is basically just another step along the same road as any other book on business. It just so happens that the author chose to take the road less traveled in this particular book. I think anyone looking for an easy to understand introduction to business finance will find this useful, and since there are only five chapters the book may not be too big. If you want a more detailed and thorough explanation of business concepts and modeling, than I would recommend taking a more in-depth look at “The Business Bible” which is written by Stanley Gold.